Water Quality / monitoring

Drinking water monitoring. Allows monitoring the quality of tap water in cities.

One of the biggest challenges in water management is the monitoring of water levels, leaks, water quality, and the flow of water through various channels. The IoT can detect and calculate the amount of chemical residues present in water by measuring and monitoring the data collected and providing real-time analysis of water testing in industries such as manufacturing, energy, and any others with wastewater processes. The IoT can also be used for on-site public utilities to obtain information such as dissolved oxygen, bacteria, chlorine, electrical conductivity, etc.

By means of various sensors, the relevant data for the water quality is recorded and can then be transmitted via the LoRaWAN network. The sensor data is transmitted to the network via gateways.


This service is available world wide. Some noteworthy locations are marked on the map

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  • Open source
  • Commercial licensing

The sensor collects tap water data and provides insights into the quality of the water. This sensor data then flows into the service provider’s central data store via the web API. The data is then provided via web service and can be viewed on the end device.